2086: Together How?
2086: Together How? is a book about the project in the Korean Pavilion at the 18th International Architecture Exhibition, La Biennale di Venezia, but not limited to. Curated by its Artistic Directors Soik Jung and Kyong Park, the exhibition interrogated our Faustian ideology of progress and how we have sought unlimited material pleasure through industrialization, colonization, and globalization. Asserting that the making of new ecocultural paradigm is a must for our survival in the climate change, the book suggests that the environmental crisis is the last and best chance to better our humanity.
2086: Together How? begins with six essays about “Tomorrow’s Myth,” in collaboration with “e-flux architecture,” followed by a quiz show that invites the participants to make decisions on social, political, and economic issues that impact the climate endgame. Along with three collaborations between architects and community activists about future possibilities in a big city, a small city, and rural communities in South Korea, it also includes a video project about a fictional “child-god” who can predict the future of climate endgame.
Texts by
Eman Abdelhad+M. E. O’Brien, Alice Bucknell, Federico Campagna, Serang Chung, Yunjeong Han, Nahyun Hwang+David Eugin Moon, Jaekyung Jung, Soik Jung, Yerin Kang+Lee Chi-hoon, Wolsik Kim, Hyewon Lee, Kyong Park and Yehre Suh
English, Korean, Italian
432 pages
Authors (Alphabetical Order) Eman Abdelhadi + M. E. O’Brien, Nick Axel, Alice Bucknell, Federico Campagna,
Serang Chung, Yunjeong Han, Nahyun Hwang + David Eugin Moon, Jaekyung Jung, Soik Jung, Yerin Kang + Lee Chi-hoon,
Wolsik Kim, Hyewon Lee, Kyong Park, Yehre Suh
Managing Editor Han Dabin
Copy Editors Jinho Lim (Kor), Cassidy Sulaiman (Eng)
Translators Jaehee Yi (Eng-Kor), Alice Kim (Kor-Eng), Tiziana Camerani (Eng-Ita)
Design Sunhee Yang (Gute form)
Cover Image: Chris Ro
Published and distributed by Mousse Publishing
Contrappunto s.r.l.
Via Pier Candido Decembrio 28, 20137, Milan–Italy
Available through:
Mousse Publishing, Milan
DAP | Distributed Art Publishers, New York
Antenne Books, London
First edition: May, 2023
Printed in Italy by Grafiche
ISBN 978-88-6749-583-2
€ 27 / $ 30
한국어, 영어
소프트커버, 12 x 17cm
저자 (가나다순) 강예린 + 이치훈, 김월식, 박경, 서예례, 이혜원, 정소익, 정세랑, 정재경,
한윤정, 황나현+데이빋 유진 문, Eman Abdelhad + M. E. O’Brien, Nick Axel, Alice Bucknell, Federico Campagna
편집 매니저 한다빈
윤문 및 편집 임진호 (국문), Cassidy Sulaiman (영문) 번역 이재희 (영-한), Alice Kim (한-영),
Tiziana Camerani (영-이)
디자인 양선희 (구트폼) 표지 이미지: 크리스 로
인쇄 및 제본 세걸음
출판, 배포 미디어버스
초판 1쇄, 2023년 8월
ISBN 979-11-90434-47-8
값 25,000원